10/11 화
학습한 것들:
AI consists of cognition&percention, memory&inference, decision making, reasoning
Using multi-modal association for perception
Vision is important because 75% of data comes from vision data
Computer vision is the inverse of computer rendering
Using good and bad of our visual perception to make a CV model that compensates for the imperfection
Old machine learning used feature extraction by people, but deep learning does not require feature extraction by human
CVPR is a top 5 publication in STEM and it is getting a lot of attention from companies
since we cannot memorize all the data in the world, we cannot use simple tools like k nearest neighbors
A single fully connected layer network cannot account for new data
CNN: looking at part of an image to extract feature
- as it shares parameters, it is flexible to change in location
Dataset is always almost biased
- training datasets and real data always have a gap
To fill this gap, a technique of increasing the number of datasets called data augmentation is used
Applying various image transformations to the dataset: crop, brightness, rotate, flip, affine transformation, cut mix
A technique called RandAug randomly uses transformation and finds out which one works the best
Annotating data is very expensive, so using the pretrained model can solve the problem
- Knowledge from one dataset can be used for another dataset
Approaches to Transfer Learning:
- Freezer other layers and train only the last fully connected layer
- preserves the knowledge from pretrained data
- Set a low learning rate for other layers and a high learning rate for the last fully connected layer
- Teacher-student learning: use a pretrained model as a teacher to teach to a model that is not trained. this can be done to do unsupervised learning.
- For labeled data, use soft label(percentage) to make a loss for both teacher and student
Softmax with temperature: allow for non-extreme outcomes
- Normal softmax: $\frac{exp(z_i)}{\sum_{j} exp(z_j)}$
- Softmax with temperature: $\frac{exp(z_i/T)}{\sum_{j} exp(z_j/T)}$
Computer Vision 열심히 배워서 나중에 써먹어야지
10/12 수
학습한 것들:
Deeper networks learn more powerful features
However, the deeper the layer, the gradient vanishes or explodes, it is complex to compute, and it degrades
GoogLeNet: implement inception module that uses convolution of different filters in parallel
- 1x1 conv changes channel size
Auxiliary classifier: classifier in the middle of the layer to solve the problem of vanishing/exploding gradient
Degradation problem: as network depth increases, accuracy gets saturated
The solution to the degradation problem: add input X to the target function so that the identity remains the same
- called a residual block that uses a shortcut connection
- has $ O(2^n)$ paths
In the dense block, every output of each layer is concatenated along the channel axis to account for the vanishing gradient problem.
배운게 진짜 많아서 차근차근 복습을 해봐야 할 것 같다.
10/13 목
학습한 것들:
Semantic segmentation: classifying each pixel of an image into a category
- Do not care about the object, but only about the semantic category
Fully Convolutional Networks(FCN): no fully connected layer
A fully connected layer outputs a fixed dimensional vector that discards spatial coordinate
The fully convolutional layer outputs a classification map that has spatial coordinate
1x1 convolution layer classifies every feature vector of the convolutional feature map
- To solve the problem of having a low-resolution predicted score map, use upsampling to the size of the input image
Methods of upsampling:
- Transposed convolution: inversed convolution operation
- checkerboard artifact due to uneven overlapping
- Upsampling+convolution: interpolation followed by convolution
Adding a skip connection to the convolutional network can preserve higher spatial resolution
U-Net: FCN that predicts a dense map by concatenating feature maps from contracting path
- more precise segmentations
- repeatedly applying 2x2 up-convolution
- as expanding, the contracted layer is concatenated to the layer
Conditional Random Fields post-processes a segmentation to be refined to follow image boundaries
Dilated convolution: inflate the kernel by inserting spaces between the kernel element
- enable exponential expansion of the receptive field
Depthwise separable convolution: depthwise convolution + pointwise convolution
Segmentation에 대해서 배우고 팀원들도 모았다. 왠지 느낌이 좋은데?
10/14 금
학습한 것들:
Instance segmentation: even if the object is the same, it is classified as a different instance
Phanoptic segmentation: semantic segmentation+instance segmentation
Object detection: classification + box localization
- useful for autonomous driving, OCR
Traditional method - Selective search: over-segmentation, iteratively merging similar regions, extracting candidate boxes
Two-stage detector: region proposal + image classification
R-CNN: region proposal, warp each region, CNN, classify regions
Fast R-CNN: recycle a pre-computed feature for multiple object detection
- convolution feature map from the original image, region of interest feature map extraction, class and box prediction for each ROI
Faster R-CNN: end-to-end object detection by neural region proposal
- uses a metric called Intersection over Union(IoU): area of overlap/area of union
- feature map, neural region proposal, classification, remove other boxes with IoU>=0.5
One-stage detector: no RoI pooling
You Only Look Once: S x S grid on input, class probability map + bounding boxes&confidence
Single Shot MultiBox Detector: use multiple feature maps to model diverse spaces of box shapes
Class imbalance problem: more negative bounding boxes than positive bounding boxes
- use Focal loss for solution: improved cross-entropy loss
- give less weight to easy ones
RetinaNet: feature pyramid network + class/box classification networks
DETR: transformer for object detection
이번주도 끝이 났다. 다음주도 열심히 달려보자!
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