![[Docker 배우기] Section 9. Container Orchestration - Docker Swarm & Kubernetes](https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R750x0/?scode=mtistory2&fname=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.kakaocdn.net%2Fdn%2FbzfTSg%2FbtsCo4Mptg1%2FicqnbrHv70jQ2k24nOrVsk%2Fimg.png)
[Docker 배우기] Section 9. Container Orchestration - Docker Swarm & Kubernetes
Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps | Udemy Container Orchestration is used to host multiple containers over multiple hosts by using scripts and codes. Some solution scales containers automatically and even scale hosts Famous container orchestration solutions: Docker Swarm Kubernetes Mesos Docker Swarm Distributes containers over many hosts for higher availability and load balan..
![[Docker 배우기] Section 7. Docker Engine, Storage, and Networking](https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R750x0/?scode=mtistory2&fname=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.kakaocdn.net%2Fdn%2FPhYi3%2FbtsCsnxdCqU%2F3ns7fOS4SVZPcvtG10eknk%2Fimg.png)
[Docker 배우기] Section 7. Docker Engine, Storage, and Networking
Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps | Udemy Docker Engine Docker Engine is composed of: Docker CLI: running command does not have to be on the same machine with other parts can use the docker -H option to connect to the remote docker-engine REST API: interact with docker Deamon Docker Deamon: running in the background to execute tasks PID: id for a process that is unique to the ..
![[Docker 배우기] Section 5. Docker Compose](https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R750x0/?scode=mtistory2&fname=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.kakaocdn.net%2Fdn%2FdohUO0%2FbtsCpgFRy9K%2FZxSeG55pCRpUtSt0Mixbi0%2Fimg.png)
[Docker 배우기] Section 5. Docker Compose
Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps | Udemy docker-compose: allows to run and manage multiple containers with a single YAML file dictionary with the image name, and under each image name, put parameters as key-value pairs putting build under the image name builds the image first before running the container by using version 2 of docker-compose, the images are all linked need to ..
![[Docker 배우기] Section 4. Docker Images](https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R750x0/?scode=mtistory2&fname=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.kakaocdn.net%2Fdn%2Fblqhim%2FbtsCoD85W2G%2FZMEzg6I4OOdv86Ycaa4ZK1%2Fimg.png)
[Docker 배우기] Section 4. Docker Images
Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps | Udemy Dockerfile can be used to make a custom docker image. FROM: starting image from another image RUN: executes certain commands behind it COPY: copy certain files to the image ENTRYPOINT: specify a command that runs when the container is started the parameter can be delivered by appending the parameter to docker run ENV: specify environme..
[Docker 배우기] Section 3. Docker Run
Docker for the Absolute Beginner - Hands On - DevOps | Udemy docker run with tag: by putting: after the image name allows for the specification of version/tag if not specified, the latest tag is used docker run -i: open the container with an interactive mode where input is possible docker run -it: open the container with an interactive mode where input is possible and the console turns into a ps..