10/24 월
학습한 것들:
In competition, it is good to know the direction of where this is going
- read the overview carefully
Problem definition is important.
- what is the problem that I need to solve?
- What is the I/O of the problem?
- Where is this solution being applied?
Have the heart of solving the problem not increasing the rank.
Domain understanding - Data Mining - Data Analysis - Data Processing - Modeling - Training - Deploy
EDA(Exploratory Data Analysis): effort to understand the data
- do the data analysis for the task
Data Science is 80% pre-processing: bad data
- not all images have the perfect data we want
- varying image size requires resizing
- good pre-processing can increase the performance of the model
High bias: underfitting
High Variance: overfitting
There is no absolute in the pre-processing world, so do it according to the type of problem that we want to solve, experimentally.
Look for bottlenecks in training to maximize performance
- could be data loading that is holding the speed back
- more data augmentation/transform = more time to load the data
PyTorch is good because it is low-level.
Every layer in PyTorch follows nn.Module class
10/25 화
학습한 것들:
As all models inherit from nn.Module, running forward once runs it for all.
parameter(): tensors without key
state_dict(): tensors with key
Every parameter has data, grad, and requires_grad variables
ImageNet dataset contributed to increasing the performance of the model
High similarity and small dataset fed to the pretrained model: freeze backbone
Low similarity fed to the pretrained model: do not freeze anything
loss function=cost function = error function
loss.backward( ) updates the grad of the parameter, and optimizer.step() applies that gradient
Focal loss: on class imbalance, give less loss for class with a high percentage while giving high loss for class with a low percentage
Label smoothing loss: do not use the class target label as one hot, but give a little weight to other classes too
StepLR: lowers LR every few steps
CosineAnnealingLR: drastically change LR in the shape of the cosine function
ReduceLROnPlateau: lower the LR when there is no improvement in performance
Do not be fooled by the accuracy of the model because it can be misleading
use F1-score for class imbalance and use accuracy for class balance
it is possible to not update gradient every iteration by not calling optimizer.step() and optimizer.zero_grad()
Ensemble: use multiple models for better performance
- model averaging(voting): hard voting(based on absolute results), soft voting(based on percentage)
In order to use a validation set for training, a technique called cross-validation is used.
Stratified K-Fold Cross Validation: use all train data as validation data once by doing cross-validation, and think about the class distribution too
Test Time Augmentation(TTA): use data augmentation for the test set to make it figure out the class with noise
- ensemble those variations of image
Using Optuna allows optimizing parameters easily
Weight and Bias is like a GitHub for deep learning
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