12/19 월
학습한 것들:
mIOU: mean of IOU over classes
FCN: use the VGG network as the backbone and replace the FC layer with Convolution
- allows using pretrained networks for better performance
- pixel-wise prediction
- convolution is irrelevant to image size
- transposed convolution for upsampling
- skip connection to have a sharp image
- Small objects are often ignored
DeconvNet: make the encoder and decoder symmetrical by using unpooling and deconvolution
- Unpooling: save the edge that was deleted during pooling
- fast as it does not need to be trained
- has a sparse activation map so it is required to use transposed convolution too
- unpooling captures "example-specific" structure
- transposed convolution captures a "class-specific" structure
SegNet: use convolution to turn the sparse matrix into a dense matrix
FC DenseNet: add skip connection inside a block and from the decoder to the encoder
DeepLab v1: mixing convolution and max pooling can increase the receptive field of a unit pixel of the feature map but is low in quality
- use dilated convolution to be more efficient
- use bilinear interpolation for upsampling
- dense conditional random field to get pixel-wise segmentation
DilatedNet: DeepLab but only 2x2 max pool in the beginning
12/21 수
학습한 것들:
DeepLab v2: added ASPP which are branches that replaced the fully convolutional layer
- branches act as an ensemble
- ResNet backbone
PSPNet: use global average pooling to take surroundings into account
- Accounts for mismatched relationship
- takes the surrounding into account
- Confusion categories
- similar category can be confusing
- Inconspicuous classes
- small objects can be detected using global contextual information
DeepLab v3: added global average pooling with 1x1 convolutional network
DeepLab v3+: use encoder-decoder structure again
- use a decoder to restore the lost spatial information
- modified Xception Backbone
- use depthwise + pointwise convolution
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